Xtreme Affiliate Page
Easy Step-by-Step Affiliate Page Generator for your affiliate program
"Discover How This Cool Affiliate Promo Page
Generator Can Help To Skyrocket Your Affiliate
Program Instantly!”
Get This Xtremely Cool
Affiliate Page Creater Software For FREE!
From: IM Soft Xtreme
Dear Internet Marketers,
Xtreme Affiliate Page is meant to create a professional affiliate
promotional tools page for your affiliate program by following simple
step-by-step instructions
If you are a serious marketer, we’re sure you know the importance of
setting up your own affiliate program and having an army of affiliates
to promote your product for you. (even if you do not have one now, you
certainly need an affiliate program eventually!)
Hence, we’ve created an affiliate promo page generator software which
will allow you to create professional promo tools pages effortlessly
Xtreme Affiliate Page is a simple desktop application that will guide
you through the process of creating professional promo tools page
By providing your affiliates with ready-to-use affiliate promotion
tools with their affiliate links already embedded, you can instantly
increase your base of affiliates promoting your products. That will
certainly drive your sales up the rooftop!
What can Xtreme Affiliate Page do for you?
- Creates your affiliate promotional pages just by following some step-by-step instructions
- Includes templates for the following promotional tools: Text links,
Email Ads, Signature Ads, PopUp Ads, Image Ads, Articles & PPC Ads
(leave all the hard work to us! You do not have to sweat over the
various types of tools)
- Automatically embed the affiliate links of your affiliates into the
promotional tools with just a click of the mouse! (literally spoon feed
your affiliates!)
- Provides your affiliates with ready made promotional tools that they
can instantly use for their promotional efforts (and let your
affiliates do all the hard work in promoting your products with the
tools you provide!)
- Make your affiliates WANT to promote your products because of the wide array of tools you provide
- Keep your affiliates happy and at the same time, build an ARMY of
hungry affiliates who will increase the amount of sales and profits you
- and much more…